Individual coaching from AVGS

The 100% subsidised consultation for your career boost

Our services

A quick look at our offer

BOOST individual coaching is aimed at people who want to integrate into the German labour market.

About coaching

What is AVGS Coaching?

Imagine not having to spend hours searching online for the best job search tips or ways to start your own business. What if, instead, you could receive personalized support that guides you step by step? This is exactly what the Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS) offers.

The AVGS, issued by the Employment Agency or Jobcenter, allows you to participate in a subsidized one-on-one coaching session. This way, you can achieve your career goals faster and more efficiently, without having to face the challenges alone. In this article, you will learn how to make the most of the AVGS.

The goal of AVGS is to assist job seekers in finding employment and support entrepreneurs in starting their businesses. Additionally, the Employment Agency or Jobcenter also offers education vouchers for professional training, which you can apply for as well.

Our clients share their experiences with the Job Coaching program, supported by the Activation and Placement Voucher (AVGS).

FAQ – the most frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about AVGS.

How do I get an AVGS (activation and placement voucher)?

Ask your placement specialist at the employment agency or job centre by e-mail if you are receiving unemployment benefit I or II (also as a top-up). Enclose our flyer with this e-mail. Write a few sentences about why you would like to do the coaching at OTIVAS. We will help you step by step with our application assistant to apply for your AVGS.

Can I have career coaching financed by the employment agency or job centre?

Yes, the individual coaching can be financed 100% with an activation and placement voucher (AVGS). This must be issued for 20 teaching units over 8 weeks.

Where do the coaching sessions take place?

OTIVAS has offices in Berlin and also has flexible project locations. This means that our coaches are there for you throughout Germany – and certainly in your neighbourhood. The easiest way for you is with online coaching, which you can do from the comfort of your own home. A combination of online and face-to-face appointments is also possible.
We can provide you with the necessary IT equipment for your online coaching if required. However, the prerequisite is that your funding body, e.g. the job centre, agrees to your chosen format

I have health restrictions. Can I still take part in job coaching?

Naturally. One focus of our job coaching is on health and prevention. We work together with specialised health coaches and psychologists. In this way, we comprehensively assess your situation and work with you to develop specific strategies that take your health situation into account. All discussions, results and documents are of course treated confidentially.

Who is AVGS Coaching Online recommended for?

The online format of AVGS Coaching has many advantages. Basically, you are freer in your choice of coaches, as all our coaches are also available in the virtual meeting rooms. Coaching is also possible where no location is available.
You also save the time and costs of travelling.
During the session, you can take advantage of features such as the digital whiteboard, direct data exchange, co-browsing and notes in the chat. All of this is still available after the coaching session, so you have time to look at things again. The room is only deleted when the complete coaching programme is finished.
There is a further advantage for so-called digital nomads, for example, i.e. people who are not tied to one place of work and travel the world a lot. You can of course utilise the same advantages for yourself if, for example, you are enjoying a break abroad and want to prepare for your career start in a location that is convenient for you.

Do you receive an AVGS if you are still working or if you are in temporary employment? Can I still take part in job coaching?

In short, yes. You can then be considered a jobseeker. Contact your employment agency and ask about the AVGS coaching funding option so that you can find a new job straight after leaving your previous job.